09 July 2013

Entrelac Class

Thursday night, I start teaching my second class at Cowgirl Yarn, the entrelac neck wrap. Entrelac is a way of knitting interlocking rectangles in such a way as to make a tube or rectangle. Essentially, it's a great way to keep the excitement in one's needles while knitting  in a pretty traditional shape. I've knit baby blankets, a lace shawl and now a neck wrap using the method.

This also allows me to provide a method with a mix of intermediate/beginner techniques by writing a pattern with a standard stockinette stitch and a more complex lace variation. Of course, this involves going through my own design process, which starts with the idea, followed by me knitting, frogging, knitting and forgging some more. I finally wrote out the pattern, and then knit a second piece, trying to find the errata.

I'm also planning to post additional tips and information for the class on a private blog that participants can post in with their progress if they'd like.  (This is in part an experiment to see how this works, as I'd like to do a hybrid in person/ online class on knitting one's first sweater this fall.)

Here's the info: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e7p7x4phe838f610

Here are examples of some of my past entrelac projects:

My wedding shawl

A baby blanket

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